Me in 2022

Me in 2022

Update: I will begin a new role as Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Human Biology and Statistics, at the University of Toronto in July 2024.

I am currently a CANSSI postdoctoral fellow working with Dr. Patrick Brown from the University of Toronto and Dr. Laura Cowen from the University of Victoria. My current research primarily focuses on developing statistical methods to enumerate hidden vulnerable human populations, and is done in collaboration with Island Health and the Centre for Global Health Research.

In my spare time, I am an avid enjoyer of video games, musical theater, and cosplay I am primarily responsible for keeping a small human alive. My PhD was obtained from the University of Waterloo, under the supervision of Dr. Christiane Lemieux, where I worked on constructions and applications of quasi-random point sets with negative dependence.

Please see the Research and Teaching tabs for a list of my work.

A full CV (updated February 2024) can be found here.